About the Journal
Approach and scope
The scientific journal CODEX of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Nariño, is a means of disseminating knowledge, research, social projection and legal and sociolegal knowledge. Its essential objective is the publication of research results, generating spaces for debate with a critical social focus on issues of legal relevance.
The CODEX Scientific Journal is directed to national or foreign AUTHORS: lawyers, university professors, researchers, litigants, officials of the judicial, legislative and executive branches, students of undergraduate and postgraduate law and, in general, people interested in legal matters. and legal partner at national and international level.
The CODEX Scientific Journal deals with issues of academic and scientific relevance in all areas of Law, for example: private, public, social (labor, family, agrarian, environmental, multicultural), criminal, international, humanistic (sociology, history) law of law, theory and philosophy of law).
The scientific journal CODEX will publish articles on national and international research results that meet the requirements of Colciencias on the subject. The magazine publishes the following types of articles:
(i) Articles of scientific and technological research: The document must present, in a detailed manner, the original results of completed research projects. The structure generally used contains four important sections: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.
(ii) Reflection article: The document must present results of research completed from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources. Structure: Introduction, problem statement, development and conclusions.
(iii) Review article: The document must present the result of a completed investigation where the results of published or unpublished research are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to account for progress and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful and extensive bibliographic review of at least 50 references. Structure: Introduction, approach to the subject, bibliographic recovery, trends in the field of knowledge, and conclusions.
Peer evaluation process
The SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL "CODEX" will use the "double blind" system for the evaluation of the presented articles. Consequently, the authors will not know the names of the peer evaluators, likewise, they will not know the name of those. The evaluation will be sent by the peer evaluators mentioning only the title of the article.
The arbitration process will be carried out as follows:
The articles will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee which will evaluate:
- Compliance with the formal requirements, such as extension, form of citations, references, etc., and existence of the letter of assignment of rights.
- Relevance of the topic: The article should deal with an issue of legal interest or legal partner.
- Originality: The article must be original and unpublished, therefore those articles published in other media will be discarded.
The articles that have passed the first filter will be sent to two (2) referees, experts in the area, who will evaluate:
- Structure evaluation: Evaluate each of the parts of the article: title, summary, introduction, methodology, results, conclusions, and references.
- Scientific and academic rigor: The legal and scientific validity of the conclusions is evaluated based on the methodology and arguments presented in the article.
- State of the art: The theoretical and conceptual references presented in the article are evaluated.
- Bibliographic sources: The pertinence and topicality of citations and bibliographic sources are evaluated.
The referees will provide the following qualification:
- Not publishable. The article will not be published.
- Published without corrections: The article goes directly to the publication phase
- Publicable with corrections: In this case the corrections will be reported to the author so that they can be made within a term not exceeding ten business days. The editorial committee will review the pertinence of the corrections made, and will go to the publication phase.
The journal reserves the right to make style corrections, which will be reported to the authors.
Open access policy
This journal provides an open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.