Revista Científica Codex
La Revista Científica CODEX de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Nariño, es un medio de divulgación del conocimiento, la investigación, la proyección social y el saber jurídico y socio jurídico. Su objetivo esencial es la publicación de resultados de investigación, generando espacios de debate con un enfoque crítico social sobre temas de relevancia jurídica.
Editado en la ciudad de San Juan de Pasto, Departamento de Nariño, República de Colombia, por la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Nariño
How to Cite
The receipt of an article by the Scientific Journal CODEX does not imply its approval, nor the commitment of publication. The author will be informed in due time of the results of the evaluation process of the article, and the date of publication if accepted.
The author must submit, together with the article, the letter of assignment to the journal of his property rights over the article, in which he expressly authorizes the journal to copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, and market the submitted article, through digital or electronic, physical, reprographic and generally through any means of communication academically accepted.
In the same letter, the author states that the article respects the copyright of third parties, and exonerates the University of Nariño from liability towards third parties, and undertakes to answer for any legal action taken for this. The journal will carry out the publication, in any case, mentioning the author of the article, and respecting the moral rights of the author (Law 23 of 1982, Decision 351 CAN)