Gender-based Violence in the Territories: An Obstacle to Peace.
Equidad de género derechos fundamentales indicadores de violencia Acuerdo de paz paz territorial.Abstract
The topics presented in this article were developed based on the research project "Nariño Gender Observatory" developed by the research group "Law, Justice and Region "DEJURE" of the University of Nariño. It will first present a rapid review of international and national legislation relating to women’s rights and especially their right to a life free of violence. Secondly, some data will be provided on physical, psychological, sexual and economic violence that violates the fundamental rights of women in Nariño. These two sections will allow us to address the third point concerning the urgency of preventing, punishing and eradicating violence as a condition for building peace with social equity.
- 2023-03-01 (2)
- 2019-03-04 (1)
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