Justiciability of Economic and Cultural Social Rights in the framework of the New Latin American Constitutionalisms.


  • Diana Isabel Molina Rodríguez


Dignidad Humana, Latinoamérica, Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, Decolonial, Constitucionalismo.


In the face of the political transformations provoked by social movements in Latin America, especially in countries such as Ecuador, Bolivia and Colombia, we consider it important to intensify a reading of the law, the State and justice regarding the political and also legal phenomenon of the constitutional transformation of Our America gestated under the heat and pressure of social movements in Our America especially in countries such as Ecuador, Bolivia and Colombia. With the lens of social rights we want to advance socio-legal discussions in the face of this phenomenon and with it, the birth of new epistemologies to understand human dignity and the guarantee of rights with the scope and enjoyment of a project of individual and collective life.


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Author Biography

Diana Isabel Molina Rodríguez

Abogada de la Universidad de Nariño, Magister en Filosofía de la Universidad del Valle. Investigadora Asociada COLCIENCIAS. Docente investigadora del grupo CEJA de la Universidad de Nariño y el grupo La Minga de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia – Pasto. Integrante del GT CLACSO Pensamiento Jurídico Crítico.


2019-03-04 — Updated on 2023-03-01


How to Cite

Molina Rodríguez, D. I. (2023). Justiciability of Economic and Cultural Social Rights in the framework of the New Latin American Constitutionalisms. Codex Scientific Journal, 4(7). Retrieved from https://revistas.udenar.edu.co/index.php/codex/article/view/4419 (Original work published March 4, 2019)