Guide for the defense of the rights of informal vendors subject to the restriction perimeter of the downtown area of Decree 0013 of 2019 of the Mayor's Office of Pasto against the non-observance of the Colombian Constitutional Jurisprudence - Guidevi
Public Space, Informal Vendors, Legitimate Confidence, Right to Work, Alternatives and labor reconversionAbstract
The purpose of this article is to analyze Colombian constitutional jurisprudence and articulate it specifically with Decree 0013 of 2019 issued by the Mayor's Office of Pasto related to the occupation of public space, at the same time an analysis is made of the judgments that regulate the constitutional principles that should govern and be applied by the government when addressing the situation of informal work, likewise some guidelines are established to take into account when generating labor alternatives for informal vendors and the duties of the State in relation to the management and regulation of public space. The results include the formulation of the Guide for the Defense of the Rights of Informal Vendors - GUIDEVI.
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- 2023-03-01 (2)
- 2019-11-29 (1)
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