CODEX scientific journal
Vol. 9 No. 17 (2023)On this occasion, the Scientific Journal CODEX Volume 9 Number 17 pays a heartfelt tribute to Dr. Francisco Delgado Maya, who left an indelible mark on the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Nariño. His legacy, marked by academic excellence, the training of new generations of jurists and his invaluable contribution to justice, is a faithful reflection of the commitment to quality education and the construction of a more equitable society. Through this issue, his career and contributions in the legal and academic fields are recognized.
Revista Científica Codex
Vol. 9 No. 16 (2023)En esta oportunidad, la Revista Científica CODEX Volúmen 9 Número 16, rinde un sentido homenaje a la Doctora Isabel Goyes Moreno, una mujer que, desde las aulas, hasta las altas dignidades que ocupó durante su vinculación como docente de tiempo completo en la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Nariño, representa fielmente la visión de una universidad inclusiva, con una posición académica y política, enfocada en la defensa del derecho laboral, de las mujeres y las comunidades diversas.
Revista Científica Codex
Vol. 8 No. 15 (2022)La Editorial del Vol. 8 N. 15 de la Revista Científica Codex, exalta la labor jurídica y docente del maestro ROBERTO SANTA-CRUZ MONCAYO, quien dejó muy en alto la profesión de abogado, ya que dedicó su vida a ejercerla, ocupando distintos cargos honoríficos como fueron: Juez Municipal en los municipios de Consacá, Córdoba, Juez de Instrucción Ambulante en los municipios de Pasto e Ipiales, de donde pasa a ocupar el cargo de Juez Tercero Civil del Circuito de Pasto, para ascender a la Magistratura, en la Sala Civil del Tribunal Superior del Distrito Judicial de Pasto, a partir del 1 de octubre de 1989, permaneciendo en el cargo, hasta la fecha de su retiro el 31 de marzo de 2004.
También fue docente de las Facultades de Derecho de la Universidad Mariana, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia y especialmente en la Universidad de Nariño donde regentó, desde 1982 hasta 1993, cátedras como Derecho Agrario, Legislación Ecológica, Derecho Procesal Laboral, Práctica de Derecho Privado, Derecho Probatorio, Derecho Internacional Privado y Derecho Procesal Civil Especial. -
Revista Científica Codex
Vol. 8 No. 14 (2022)La editorial del presente número de la Revista Codex, se dedica a resaltar la vida de aquellos docentes que por sus especiales cualidades personales, por los acontecimientos que enfrentaron o por los aportes que realizaron se consideran hitos en la historia de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Nariño. Uno de esos personajes fue Ángel Martínez Segura, a cuya vida, trayectoria y quehacer académico se dedicará este tomo.
Revista Científica Codex
Vol. 7 No. 13 (2021)En el volumen 7 Número 13 de la Revista Científica Codex, se rinde un sentido homenaje al doctor LUIS ALFREDO FAJARDO ARTURO, importante jurista nariñense que se formó en nuestra casa de estudios, en la que se destacó siempre por su disciplina y rigor académico; su brillante carrera profesional y académica le permitió ser vinculado como profesor en la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Nariño, donde impartió diferentes cátedras en el campo del derecho privado y económico por cerca de medio siglo, en las que fue protagónico en la formación de múltiples generaciones de importantes abogados para la región, el país y el mundo.
Revista Científica Codex
Vol. 7 No. 12 (2021)En esta oportunidad, la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Nariño, rinde homenaje al doctor Lucio Rodríguez Cabrera, quien desde 1974 y hasta 1999 se desempeñó como docente en la Universidad de Nariño, siendo así mismo representante de los profesores ante el Consejo de Facultad y Directivo, prácticamente durante todo su periplo en la académica.
Tomando la frase de Benjamin Franklin que nos llama a “escribir cosas dignas de leerse, o hacer cosas dignas de escribirse”, la vida del Doctor Lucio Enrique Rodríguez Cabrera es muestra de ello. La mayor de las veces los libros los escriben los educadores a través de los educandos, son ellos quienes eternizan a sus Maestros. Muchos han sido los discípulos que podría memorarse ocupando dignidades de todo tipo o realizando mil hazañas, el maestro sólo los recuerda y admira con absoluto cariño y sabe que él también aportó al tiempo de escribir en ese libro.
Codex Scientific Journal
Vol. 6 No. 11 (2020)The Faculty of Law of the Universidad de Nariño, adopted an innovative way to pay tribute to those people who for their outstanding intellectual production, their proactive social interaction and their transformative teaching activity, opened paths of improvement and intellectual work, dedicating the covers of its institutional magazine to highlight these trajectories. On this occasion, the faculty is proud to pay tribute to Dr. José Rafael Sañudo, one of the most outstanding teachers and nariñenses of the early twentieth century at regional, national and international level.
Codex Scientific Journal
Vol. 6 No. 10 (2020)This issue of the Codex Magazine praises the work of the outstanding teacher Samuel Jorge Delgado Martínez, who could be remembered for obtaining the signature of President Marroquín on the law that created the Department of Nariño, for his political career as a senator, or for his life as a businessman, but who is remembered and honored here as the law professor and rector who decided one day to file a lawsuit in defense of the autonomy of the University of Nariño and thus began a struggle that continues to this day.
Scientific journal Codex
Vol. 5 No. 9 (2019)In this volume of the Revista Científica Codex, we pay tribute to the first rector of the Universidad de Nariño and professor of philosophy of law of our centennial and distinguished Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Dr. Benjamín Belalcázar, who carried out a successful administration in the midst of economic difficulties, the lack of a regional market, the primitive infrastructure, and the geographic isolation in which the newly founded Universidad de Nariño found itself. His courage and intelligence allowed him to assume with fortitude the complex realities that threatened the existence of the University since its birth.
Scientific journal Codex
Vol. 5 No. 8 (2019)On this occasion, homage is paid to the illustrious teacher and great jurist Leopoldo López Álvarez, one of the outstanding exponents of law, history and literature of the beginning of the last century, an egregious humanist, a great intellectual of the region for the country and the world, a protagonist of humanistic thought at the dawn of the alma mater of Nariño, and of the beginnings of the institutional life of the department of Nariño in the Republic of Colombia.
Scientific journal Codex
Vol. 4 No. 7 (2018)The publisher of the Scientific Journal CODEX remembers the work of the professor of our Faculty, the teacher Ignacio Rodríguez Guerrero, author of the motto of the University of Nariño and recognized professor. Professor Rodríguez received multiple awards for the government of Colombia and Spain, and was a member of several prestigious academies.
In this issue you will find articles on: gender violence, ESCR, police activity, immigration law and criminal law.
Scientific journal Codex
Vol. 4 No. 6 (2018)The editorial of the Scientific Magazine CODEX highlights the life and academic work of Dr. Eduardo Alvarado Hurtado, former professor of the Faculty of Law. Our Conciliation Center bears his name in homage and recognition of his work for the teaching of law in our region, and in whose facilities the painting rests as the former rector of the University of Nariño that the reader can appreciate on the cover.
In this issue you will find articles on the following topics: peace process, state responsibility, Andean community law and criminal law.
Scientific journal Codex
Vol. 3 No. 5 (2017)The publisher pays tribute to the teacher Rodrigo Nelson Estupiñan Vallejo, former magistrate of the Superior Court of the Judicial District of Pasto and professor for more than 50 years at the Faculty of Law of the University of Nariño, in the area of civil procedure.
In this issue of the magazine you will find articles on: assisted reproduction techniques, electronic commerce, social movements, industrial property, state responsibility, auditory contamination.
Scientific journal Codex
Vol. 3 No. 4 (2017)The scientific journal CODEX pays tribute in its editorial to Dr. Ernesto Vela Angulo, who was a professor at the Faculty of Law and rector of the University of Nariño, among other positions specific to public life. In this issue you will find articles on: criminal law, human rights, right to food, administrative law and social security.
Scientific journal Codex
Vol. 2 No. 3 (2016)The third issue of the journal pays homage to the maestro Manuel Antonio Coral Pantoja, renowned jurist, who was a professor and dean of the Faculty of Law, and rector of the University of Nariño. The presentation is made by Dr. Manuel Antonio Coral Pabón, current professor full time of our Faculty and descendant of the illustrious teacher. In this issue you will find topics such as environmental law, armed conflict, human rights, criminal law, pedagogy of law and gender studies.
Scientific journal Codex
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2016)This issue pays homage to Dr. Antonio José Chaves, illustrious citizen of Nariño who founded the School of Law in 1836. In addition, a historical document is presented through which the creation of the Faculty of Law in that year is recognized. The issue deals with articles on: constitutional law, peace agreement in Colombia, criminal law, and gender studies.
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015)
The CODEX Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the University of Nariño, is a means of disseminating knowledge, research, social projection and legal and socio-legal knowledge. Its essential objective is the publication of research results, generating spaces for debate with a critical social focus on issues of legal relevance.
Published in the city of San Juan de Pasto, Department of Nariño, Republic of Colombia, by the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the University of Nariño.