Bromelain crude extract to improve the emergence and growth of pepper seedlings




Capsicum annum L, Germination, Organic agriculture, Priming, Proteolytic activity


Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of the most consumed horticultural products worldwide. However, pepper seeds have slow and asynchronous germination. Organic agriculture encourages using natural substances for the pre-germinative treatment of seeds. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of priming sweet pepper seeds with bromelain crude extract (obtained from pineapple stem residues) on subsequent seedling emergence and growth. The effects of the proteolytic activity of the extract (0, 3.16, 6.25, 12.25, and 25.0 totalU), imbibition time (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 h), and imbibition temperature (15, 25, 35 and 45 ℃) on seedling emergence and growth were assessed. The significantly best emergence, based on a range of indicators (emergence percentage: E, time to 50% emergence: TE50, emergence index: EI, mean emergence rate: MER, mean emergence time: MET, and synchronization index: SI), was obtained when the seeds were treated for three h at 35°C with a 6.25 totalU bromelain crude extract. Seeds subjected to this treatment combination also yielded the most vigorous seedlings (number of true leaves, length and thickness of the stems, fresh mass, dry mass, leaf area) . In conclusion, pre-germinative treatment with bromelain crude extract of 6.25 totalU proteolytic activity for three h at 35°C improved seedling emergence and growth in sweet pepper seedlings relative to untreated seed. This result offers an organic priming alternative for seeds of sweet pepper.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Gómez , L. ., Acosta, Y., Báez , E. ., Linares, C. ., Carvajal , C. ., Naidoo, S. ., & Pérez-Martínez, A. (2022). Bromelain crude extract to improve the emergence and growth of pepper seedlings. Revista De Ciencias Agrícolas, 39(E), 85–99.