
  • Leidy Estefany Botina Morales
  • Maria Paula Rosero Zambrano
  • Ingrid Geovanna Arciniegas Paz
  • Lizeth Milena Benavides Constain


Criterios APA, referencias bibliograficas, manual de estilo, revista académica, articulo academico


Ethics is known as the customs discipline. Ethics has a strong relationship with morals, which is the one in
charge of regulating customs and the application of rules used by members of a society in the daily life. Moralss states two main kinds of relationships, the natural laws and the positive laws. The natural laws look for moving closer the species while the positive laws regulate the relationships between peoples in order to create a healthy and assertive cohabitation. After understanding the concept of ethics, and what this implies, if we take ethics to the educative context, it is important to know that people should not only be educated according to a subject or a profession, but also according to values, so the students become integral human beings. This is why the central topic of this article is focused on the teaching profession. It is important to understand that ethics is a very fundamental part of the teaching process because of its critic role in the training of human beings, therefore, its objective is to reach an integral pedagogy. Ethics in education makes of this latter a liberating tool, whose role in teaching is to take advantage on the best qualities of the teachers and the students. However, the first step to take into account in order to make this possible, is to be attentive to the position we have as individuals in the society, consequently, we cannot nor reduce nor let the others reduce us as individuals. On the other hand, we must build ourselves based on what we are and the context in which we live and develop.


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Gambra, R. (1989). Historia sencilla de la filosofía. (3ª. Edición mexicana). México: Editora de Revistas, p. 28.

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Huaquin Mora, V. R. (1998). Ética y Educación Integral. [Universidad de Santiago de Chile].

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How to Cite

Botina Morales, L. E., Rosero Zambrano, M. P., Arciniegas Paz, I. G., & Benavides Constain, L. M. (2022). LA ÉTICA EN RELACIÓN A LA EDUCACIÓN. Revista Huellas, 8(1). Retrieved from