About the Journal
Scope and Focus
Revista Tendencias, published by the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences at Universidad de Nariño is a peer-reviewed, indexed, open-access journal published biannually (January-June and July-December) in digital format. It belongs to the multidisciplinary field of Social Sciences and aims to promote transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary publications, including those specialized in various areas such as Economics, Business Administration, Public Accounting, Marketing, and International Trade. Its main purpose is to disseminate research results produced by researchers and various knowledge production centers both nationally and internationally, based on ideological and conceptual pluralism.
Revista Tendencias is aimed at emerging and established researchers in the fields of economics, management and regional development. Its audience includes academics, public and private sector professionals, entrepreneurs, policy makers, and undergraduate and graduate students interested in the analysis and evolution of socioeconomic and organizational dynamics.
Revista Tendencias follows an international peer review process. It is indexed in Publindex and listed in significant international dissemination indexes such as SciELO Colombia, SciELO Citation Index, DOAJ, Dialnet, OpenAlex, Academia, Biblat, CIRC, CLASE, CZ3, DOTEC-Colombia, EBSCOhost™, Business Source Corporate Plus, Fuente Académica Premier, ERIHPLUS, Google Scholar,
LATINDEX, LatinREV, Mendeley, REDIB, Scilit, VCU, among others.
The journal's open-access policy is made possible through funding from the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences at the University of Nariño. Therefore, it does not charge publication fees to authors, nor are evaluators compensated. The
journal accepts original academic manuscripts, such as research articles, literature reviews, and reflective papers in Spanish, English, and Portuguese, that have not been previously submitted or published.
Code of Ethics
Revista Tendencias is committed to the scientific community and ensures the ethics, transparency, and quality of the research presented in the articles to be published.
To maintain this commitment, we adhere to the code of conduct and best practices defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for scientific journal editors and the recommendations outlined in the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), established by the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity.
The content of the articles is the sole responsibility of the authors. Before being published, articles undergo a thorough peer review process by recognized experts in the relevant fields.
More information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ad0jF70M8ALNPdMu2IFN-6pCZ_TIJlFD/view
Peer Review Process Article Selection Procedure
The procedure for article selection is as follows:
- The editor of the journal evaluates the editorial quality of the
- The article is reviewed for compliance with the requirements outlined in the author guidelines. The similarity and originality of the article are checked using the appropriate software If the article does not meet these criteria, the authors will be informed of the reasons for rejection, along with a report generated by the software that detects the similarity level. If the article partially meets the requirements, it is returned to the author(s) for the necessary corrections; if it does not meet the requirements, it is rejected.
- Once the article meets the required standards, it is sent to peer reviewers (a double-blind review process is applied).
- The reviewers provide their opinions on whether the article should be published. If the reviewers’ opinions differ (one recommends publishing the article and the other does not), a third reviewer is appointed.
- Once the article is approved by the reviewers, it is sent to the authors for any necessary adjustments.
- Finally, the article is sent for style correction and diagramming.
Double-Blind Evaluation: The evaluation of articles will be conducted by national or international peer researchers and experts in the relevant topics. They will receive the manuscript without the name(s) of the author(s), and the author(s) will also not know the name(s) of the reviewer(s) (Double-blind or peer review system). The decision to publish the articles depends on the evaluation provided by the reviewers, who must complete a form with the relevant criteria (The evaluation results may be: Publishable without modifications, Publishable with minor modifications, Publishable with substantial modifications, and Not publishable). After this process, the results of the evaluation will be communicated to the author(s) promptly. If corrections are requested, the author(s) will consider them and resubmit the article for further review and verification by the editor. If all requirements are met, the article will be included in the publishable group of the corresponding edition.
The estimated time for publication of an article from receipt is between 6 and 8 months.
Rejection Rate
In 2022, the rejection rate was 63%; in 2023, it was 71%; and in 2024, it reached 76%.
Rights for Dissemination and Publication
Authors publishing in Revista Tendencias of Universidad de Nariño transfer their copyright to the institution. Consequently, they authorize Universidad de Nariño to disseminate their articles by any print or electronic means, including the Internet, as deemed appropriate. Additionally, authors must submit a statement confirming that the article is original, authored by them, and has not been submitted for publication in any other medium.
In Case of Plagiarism
Plagiarism or fraud can manifest in various forms: direct copying of a text without quotation marks or proper citation, modification of words from a text to make it appear as one's own, paraphrasing, reproduction of texts previously published by the same author, and insufficient acknowledgment. In cases where it is verified that authors have submitted articles to Revista Tendencias that reproduce parts of previously published works without proper citations, the institution(s) to which the author(s) are affiliated will be notified. This will also apply to cases where evidence of fraud is found after the article's publication, and the article will be removed from all platforms where possible.
Revista Tendencias will issue corrections or retractions resulting from the editorial process or unethical practices that undermine the scientific and editorial quality of published articles. These processes will be managed following the Retraction Guidelines established by COPE.
Reproduction of Published Works in the Journal
The reproduction rights of articles published in the journal belong to Revista Tendencias. These documents may be freely reproduced for academic use, provided no profit is made from them and each copy includes the bibliographic reference to Revista Tendencias. Reproduction of the journal for any other purpose, or its placement on any electronic platform, requires prior authorization from the editor.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides free and immediate access to all its content, based on the principle that freely sharing research with the public promotes broader and more meaningful knowledge exchange globally.
Rights of Readers
Readers have the right to access and read all articles published in Revista Tendencias without any payment required.
Submission of Articles
Material proposed for publication must be original, submitted according to the author guidelines, along with the Declaration of Originality and the transfer of rights for the written work, acknowledging any third-party authorship and authorizing the use of
intellectual property rights. Additionally, a Conflict of Interest Declaration and the author's Curriculum Vitae must be provided. The information is submitted through the OJS platform, and any questions regarding the process can be addressed through the website or by emailing revistatendencias@udenar.edu.co.
Categories of Articles
Revista Tendencias considers original and unpublished academic contributions focused on the following categories:
- Research Article: A document that presents, in detail, the original results of research projects. The structure typically includes four key sections: introduction, methodology, results, and conclusions.
- Reflection Article: A document that presents the results of a critical analysis from a theoretical or practical perspective on a topic derived from completed research, using original sources. The suggested structure is: an introduction, argumentative development of the issue from different perspectives, and conclusions derived from the set objectives.
- Review Article: The goal is to enrich discussions on the state of the art of various knowledge topics. It should include the synthesis, analysis, and interpretation of previous studies on a specific topic, providing insights into the advances and trends in the area. It is characterized by a careful bibliographic review and should incorporate the use of statistical tools and data analysis to avoid mere description.
Accepted articles will undergo style corrections, and a PDF proof of the pre-print version will be sent to the author(s) for approval.
Article Management Fees
Revista Tendencias does not charge any fees for article processing (Article Processing Charges [APC]) for submissions from authors.
Publication Frequency
Revista Tendencias is published semiannually, on January 1st and July 1st of each year.
Author Guidelines
Curriculum Vitae Format
Code of Ethics
Originality and Rights Transfer Declaration Format
Link to Originality and Rights Transfer Declaration Format
Conflict of Interest Declaration
To ensure the independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor of the published work, it is necessary to express in writing the existence of any relationship between the author(s) of the article and any public or private entity that could potentially create a conflict of interest.
A potential conflict of interest may arise when authors have financial (e.g., contracts, research funding, consultancy, etc.) or personal (e.g., family relationships) ties with other individuals or organizations that could influence their work in an interested manner.
Revista Tendencias does not prohibit authors with potential conflicts of interest from publishing but rather ensures that these conflicts are openly disclosed so that reviewers and, when applicable, readers can assess the manuscript with full knowledge of the facts. This allows them to determine if the authors, aside from their interests, exhibit any bias that could directly affect the work.
Conflict of Interest Declaration Format
Link to Conflict of Interest Declaration Format
Peer Review Evaluation Format
Link to Peer Review Evaluation Format
Copyright Copyright Notice
Articles approved for publication in Revista Tendencias must adhere to the following conditions:
- Authors transfer the copyright (patrimonial rights) to Revista Tendencias and must submit the Originality and Rights Transfer Declaration, duly completed and signed with original signatures.
- Articles published in Revista Tendencias can be used, reproduced, transmitted, and displayed for academic purposes in institutional repositories, subject-specific repositories, and personal websites, provided the bibliographic reference to Revista Tendencias (authors, year, article title,
journal name, volume, number, pages, URL) is properly cited and it is not used for commercial purposes (self-archiving policy).
- Use for different purposes or publication on other electronic platforms requires written authorization from the journal editor.
This journal is under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Storage and Preservation
Revista Tendencias has an electronic backup for the preservation of editorial content in the Universidad de Nariño's open-access institutional repository, the Sistema Institucional de Recursos Digitales [Institutional Digital Resources System] (SIRED), and CLOCKSS. These platforms aim to collect, manage, preserve, and disseminate digital scientific production. This is done through standardized international protocols that ensure its indexing in major search engines, guaranteeing long-term availability and accessibility of all published articles (see preservation status information in Keeper-ISSN).
Advertising Policy
Revista Tendencias does not accept or publish any form of advertising. It does not engage in commercial relationships that could influence editorial decisions, ensuring that all published content remains completely independent and free from external interests. This policy guarantees the integrity and objectivity of the scientific information it disseminates.
Questions, Complaints, and Claims
If you have any questions, complaints, or claims, please contact us at revistatendencias@udenar.edu.co.