Social speech and variety of opinions. Language games and illegitimate stories about Galeras Volcano


  • Víctor Javier Erazo Pantoja Universidad de Nariño


Jenoy, Galeras Volcano, science, speeches, language games, against (discourse)


Since 2005, the towns which are around Galeras Volcano are in the “ZAVA” (high volcanic threat area) and it was considered by the Colombian Geological Service. Also, they have faced a territorial relocation due to the volcanic movement increase and the laws given in the decree number 4106 of November 15th of the same year and which was ratified by the decree number 3905 of October 7th 2008.

In this context, the Indian council of Jenoy who belongs to Genoy municipality from San Juan de Pasto, in Nariño-Colombia started a process of resistance to defend his territory against the relocation. They let people know their position about the situation of the volcanic risk.

This work tries to show the characteristics of the speech related to the territorial relocation. Through the speech analysis and an ethnographic exercise people want to let everybody know the relation between the scientific speeches produced by the volcanology and the geology taking into account the ways of knowledge that people from Jenoy have. Everything is done to recognize all the doubts that have come up during this process.


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Author Biography

Víctor Javier Erazo Pantoja, Universidad de Nariño

Profesor adscrito al departamento de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Nariño; miembro del grupo de investigación Edumultiverso.


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How to Cite

Erazo Pantoja, V. J. (2014). Social speech and variety of opinions. Language games and illegitimate stories about Galeras Volcano. Tendencias, 14(2), 120–142. Retrieved from