Knowledge management evaluation: a systematic literature review




Knowledge Management, Evaluation Models, Systematic Review


The evaluation of knowledge management (KM) is an important concern for those organizations that want to know “what is happening” with their KM strategies. Nevertheless, there is no consensus on what to evaluate and how to evaluate it. For this reason, the purpose of this paper is to present a systematic literature review of 43 papers published within the last decade. The review is composed by a basic scientometric analysis and a content analysis. The content analysis is related to various aspects of the models of KM evaluation: their structure, function and purpose of the evaluation, the research methods used in the construction of the model, the industry of application, and the location of the evaluated aspects regarding to a taxonomy of KM schools of thought and a classification of the KM organizational capabilities. The main finding is the predominance of a knowledge codification approach. In addition, various gaps, susceptible for future research, are identified.


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Author Biographies

Ernesto Galvis-Lista, Universidad del Magdalena

Profesor Asociado - Universidad del Magdalena - Estudiante de Doctorado en Ingeniería - Sistemas y Computación – UNAL 

Jenny Marcela Sánchez-Torres, Universidad Nacional de Colombia UNAL

Profesora Asociada - Universidad Nacional de Colombia UNAL -


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How to Cite

Galvis-Lista, E., & Sánchez-Torres, J. M. (2014). Knowledge management evaluation: a systematic literature review. Tendencias, 15(2), 151–170.