Difficulty lingüístic in the lectura in high voice in boys in the grade one four of the Santo Tomás head quarters of the educational institution municipal Santa Teresita of Catambuco of Pasto


  • Ruth Marlene Cortez Arciniegas Institución Educativa Municipal Santa Teresita




Dificultad lingüística, silabeo, sustitución u omisión de fonemas, metátesis, kinésica, proceso lector, Linguistic difficulty, hyphenation, substitution or omission of phonemes, metathesis, kinesthetic, reading process, basic primary, children, educationa


The lecture is a process of knowledge (Pérez, 1995) very complex that mean the doing of several stages, the observation of the graphic signs, decodification, underestanding, remember, and innovation. The two last stages are relate with the work of the learn of the lecture.

In the learn of the process of the lecture is very important the development of the stage before describe without mishap, and the obtain of a good understanding and interpretation of the text.

The learn of the lecture in voice tall is not a process elementary, is complex, and mean the manage of the stages before mentioned.

A study developed for Cortez and Arévalo (2013) in the grade First – Fourth of the primary education of the Institution Educative Municipal Nuestra Señora of Catambuco of Pasto, fixed the existence of silabeo, substitution and omission of phoneme (ellipsis) and, Metátesis.

The before phoenomenons or difficulty linguistic are consideration a problem because this facts make difficult the apprehend of the lecture and it interfere with the process of understanding and interpretation of text product of a good lecture.

The investigation advanced for Cortez and Arévalo (2013) is of nature cuclitative because describe the phenomenons or difficulty linguistic presenting group of children of first grade in the learn of the lecture in voice tall.


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Author Biography

Ruth Marlene Cortez Arciniegas, Institución Educativa Municipal Santa Teresita

Magister en Educación - Universidad de Nariño. Institución Educativa Municipal Santa Teresita
de Catambuco de Pasto - marlenecortes690@gmail.com



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How to Cite

Cortez Arciniegas, R. M. (2015). Difficulty lingüístic in the lectura in high voice in boys in the grade one four of the Santo Tomás head quarters of the educational institution municipal Santa Teresita of Catambuco of Pasto. Tendencias, 16(1), 64–76. https://doi.org/10.22267/rtend.151601.33