The effect of motherhood on wages in Ecuador
Motherhood, wages gap, Mincerian equation, Oaxaca Blinder decomposition, Ecuador, employment discriminationAbstract
This paper analyses the effect of motherhood on women’s wages in 2012 in Ecuador studying tenure, the number and age structure of the children is analyzed. The methodology implemented Mincerian equations on labor income data from household surveys; to further decompose the differential method Oaxaca Blinder corrected for selection bias. The results show that mothers earn on average 7.56% less than non-mothers, presenting a high heterogeneity among provinces analyzed and educational levels. After controlling for age of the children shown that mothers of children under five years earn 10% less, while mothers with children over five years, the decrease is only 2%. By number if the woman has two children in their care gap for maternity average is 3.7% and if you have more than two children rebate is 2.26%. However, most of the gap maternity in Ecuador is not caused by the fact that mothers but for its intrinsic socioeconomic characteristics.
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