The cluster as model of network business, a relevant option for the competitiveness of the Colombia tourism subsector




Cluster, business, competitiveness


The business scenario existing at this time development proposes to companies challenge coexist associated, specifically for the micro, small and medium enterprises in the environment of organizational systems, and their contribution to the growth of the region. This situation has aroused concerns in researchers to analyze this business from its impact on the execution of the signatures. From the above reasoning, this article analyzes the impact generated by the link between companies and the establishment in relation to processes of entrepreneurial creativity in the municipalities of the Department of Cundinamarca (Colombia). This document is empirical, and the results are part of the construction of the theoretical framework that gives support to research that generates it. The product of this work demonstrates that ties linking business organizations analyzed in order to carry out research and development and transmission of knowledge, helpful way contribute to the growth of organizations.

This work is part of a literature review of research action be strengthened as a proposal for greater impact and relevance to the sector the subject of study.


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Author Biography

John Jairo Gil Toledo, Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano

Doctorante en Administración, Universidad de Celaya, México. Docente Asociado II, Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Gil Toledo, J. J. (2017). The cluster as model of network business, a relevant option for the competitiveness of the Colombia tourism subsector. Tendencias, 18(1), 101–117.