Organizational management in complex environments by the services sector Msmes city of Sincelejo
Process, management, organization, competitivenessAbstract
In order to determine standard organizational management in complex environments that practice MSMEs in the services sector in the city of Sincelejo - Sucre-Colombia, this investigation is being conducted. It is therefore important to consider your current management, since these represent mainly the business of local and national economies.
The present article pretends an analysis, to the light theory and empirical antecedents, that show the relation between the management organizacional and the indexes of perdurabilidad or taxes of mortality of the MIPYMES of the sector service, defining the main approach of models of management organizacional in head of authors eat Koontz And Weihrich, (1998), Of Rosa, (2002), Wong, (2000), among others.
Finally, the MIPYMES of the sector, from his functional or operative approach and informality no aprestan even to approach based in processes, therefore, the efforts in matter of strengthening and business consolidation, would be directed to the development Of the management of the human talent, the commercial management, the managerial management, the management of production, the financial management, the technological management and the management of quality.
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