Climate change: impacts and perspectives of research from a multidisciplinary vision
Valuation of environmental changes, climate, global warmingAbstract
In the past few years has arisen a concern about the growing impacts of the Climate Change in developed countries, which is reflected in the increased number of research in this field. Most studies show that climate change affects multiple aspects of the environment resulting in direct impacts on the economy of a country that in the majority of cases is evident in positive and negative changes of GDP. The greatest impacts occur in the tropical countries where paradoxically there are a number relatively low of research that address the topic, being a possible cause of this lack of knowledge that makes the fundamental concepts related to the topic at depth. Given the above, this work shows a general conceptual framework that serves as a base for research from a multidisciplinary perspective around the main impacts of climate change from a thorough and up-to-date review of the literature.
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