

  • Ximena Alexandra Ortega Ordoñez Universidad de Nariño


The edition of volume XIX No. 1 of the year 2018 of the Tendencias jounal includes a total of 10 articles: five of investigation, three of review, one of reflection and an additional article included in the traditional university life section.

The section of the research articles begins with the masterly paper of PhD.. Julio Silva Colmenares, Director of the Human Development Observatory of the Universidad Autónoma de Colombia, who seeks to verify that the much commented “deindustrialization” of the Colombian manufacturing sector does not exist or Is a half-truth. His hypothesis is developed based on theoretical and empirical arguments and lead us to correct conclusions about the fallacy of the equitable distribution of added value generated by the largest national companies in the country.

In the second research article, Joel Cruz Díaz, Alexander Blandon López and Diego Cruz Rincón, explain the need to strengthen the business development of Quindío by combining different policies and business development programs, which can be implemented from a strengthened Comisión Regional de Competitividad. They propose that the synergy of different institutions is essential to strengthen the business sector.

In the third article, David Camargo Mayorga, Octavio Cardona García and Ángel Roncancio García, professors of the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada located in Colombia, intend to determine the differences in the provision of telecommunications services and the factors that explain them, examining 69 countries for the period of the years 2010 to 2015. For this they begin their writing with theoretical support that accounts for the background on business isomorphism, concluding that, in spite of previous work, there are knowledge gaps regarding this topic. Then using the panel data model, the Hausman test, the Sargan-Hansen test, among others, conclude that telecommunications services between countries are not homogeneous.

In the fourth article, Hugo Alonso Plazas and Jennyfer Alejandra Castellanos professors of the design department of the Universidad de Nariño, located in Colombia, analyze the development of the publishing industry in the Province of Pasto from 1837 to 1900, starting with the entrepreneurship of the time. They make a historical tour and mention some initiatives framing them in the political, economic and social context of Colombia in the period of study.

In the fifth article, Mario Uribe Macías, a professor at the Universidad del Tolima, located in Colombia, presents the results of two projects related to the analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, in two sectors of Ibagué: the industrial and the financial, obtained through the application of a questionnaire aimed at managers or heads of CSR and consisting of two major parts: the first, inquires about the strategic approach and the second, refers to the relationship of the company with its different stakeholders. It is concluded that CSR is stronger in the financial sector than in the industrial sector.

In the section of review articles in the first of them, Omaira Calvo Giraldo, professor at the Universidad del Cauca, located in Colombia, reviews the existing literature on knowledge management, its different models and approaches, within the framework of the called “new economy” or “knowledge economy” and its application in business and regional areas, with the purpose of achieving and maintaining its development and competitiveness.

The second review article, Professors Saúl Fernández, Diego Castillo and Luz Ángela Martínez, in their article Virtual Cluster: a new alternative to effective competitiveness in companies, emphasizes the importance of their conformation through networking, as a potential mechanism of the development of organizations; Its advantages and disadvantages are described and the virtual business cluster is proposed as an innovative alternative to establish business networks that result in greater benefits for its members.

In the third review article, Brigitte Gonzalez and Carlos Arturo Ramírez, a student of the last semester of the department of business administration and professor of the same department, respectively, of the University of Nariño located in Colombia, make a review of the quality models in Colombia for undergraduate programs, both for high quality accreditation granted by the CNA (Consejo Nacional de Acreditación), and for certification in quality technical standards ISO 9001: 2015 and NTC GP 1000: 2009, granted by ICONTEC (Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas). In the article theoretical and practical explanations are woven around the subject and convergence points are found between both models. The proposal is interesting because it builds a congruence matrix that can serve as a management model to orient and control educational processes in a new and effective way.

In the section of articles of reflection is the writing of Carlos Javier Martínez who proposes that the business sector is faced every day more to a complex and changing world; hence, the study of the so-called complexity sciences or chaos theory to be involved in the planning and business management processes is relevant. There is an interesting theoretical journey and a dissertation around the constant analysis of the environment and its conjunctures that must be present in organizations to maximize opportunities, achieve their strategic objectives and navigate the difficult global business world.

In the university life section, an interesting and pertinent article written by Edgar Mesa Manosalva, professor of the faculty of education of the Universidad de Nariño, located in Colombia, is presented, who proposes “worldviews and ancestral practices of the pastures around the pachamama , minga, religiosity, cuento pastuso and carnaval of negros y blancos, with the aim of resizing their epistemological and pedagogical contributions to cement and build regional peace”.


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How to Cite

Ortega Ordoñez, X. A. (2018). Presentation. Tendencias, 19(1), 13–15. Retrieved from