Stone aggregates in colombia: ¿an industry that creates value?


  • Jorge Alberto Rivera Godoy Universidad del Valle
  • Mario Fernando Pajajoy Hernández Universidad del Valle



Economic value added (EVA); market value added; financial performance; efficiency, effectiveness and efficacy financial indicators; EVA inductors; stone aggregate industry.



The purpose of this article is to know the financial performance of the stone
aggregate industry for construction in Colombia in the period 2010-2015, through
a study that follows as an methodology the analysis of accounting indicators
and economic value added that account for its growth, efficiency, efficacy and

It is found that this industry grows and generates accounting returns in each of
the years, and the variant behavior of its effectiveness depends mainly on the
effectiveness in the control of costs and expenses; however, only in two years,
added economic value (EVA) is created, and its aggregate market value (VMA)
is negative.

This industry is a value destroyer because the return on net operating assets is
lower than the cost of capital in four years of the six years evaluated. The EVA
presents ups and downs and follows the trend of profitability.

The results found could be strengthened if similar studies could be made for
more homogeneous groups of companies in terms of age, size and geographical


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How to Cite

Rivera Godoy, J. A., & Pajajoy Hernández, M. F. (2018). Stone aggregates in colombia: ¿an industry that creates value?. Tendencias, 19(2), 22–44.