Countries international links and development: Latin American countries and comparisons with other nations


  • Giovanni E. Reyes


social marginality, economic and social vulnerability, sustainable development, international countries, articulation


The main aim of this paper is related to the discussion –from a theoretical perspective- of core characteristics regarding sustainable development and main features concerning articulation of countries into the international sphere. This paper focuses on Latin American region. The topic of international articulation of countries is related to the conceptual frame of development. This concept of development must imply social equity, sustainable environmental conditions, and economic sustainability as well. The central argument claimed by this paper is that as a product of international links from different countries, some of them –more developed countries- have conform societies with higher degree of relative autonomy. On the other hand, other countries –underdeveloped ones- have constituted more dependency in their international links. Inside conditions of these dependent countries, one can see more functional or dysfunctional social aggregates. In terms of development, the theoretical conditions are those chiefly expressed by the United Nations Organization, since its first human development report back in 1992.


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How to Cite

Reyes, G. E. (2013). Countries international links and development: Latin American countries and comparisons with other nations. Tendencias, 13(2), 147–175. Retrieved from