Across boundaries: european cooperative societies. Study cases


  • Marta Enciso Santocildes
  • María Aranzazu Echaniz Barrondo
  • Aitziber Ritzier Mugarra Elorriaga


Single market, Societas Cooperativa Europeae, Ethical Banking, Credit cooperative


The aim to achieve –in 2003– the single market also for the European cooperative societies was one of the major objectives of the EC Regulation concerning the status of the Societas Cooperativa Europeae (SCE). Seven years later there seems to be little practical experiences. This paper is focused in the analysis of experiences in the Basque Country, especially on Ethical Banking and the Project developed known as Fiare, which would be the first European scope credit cooperative. The study of this case has just emerged some questions about the real difficulties for extending this kind of European collaboration: some of them with legal basis but others probably with cultural basis.


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COM – Comisión Europea, 2008, 591 final, “Comunicación de la Comisión: sobre el reexamen de la Directiva 2001/86/CE del Consejo, de 8 de octubre de 2001, por la que se completa el Estatuto de la Sociedad Anónima Europea en lo que respecta a la implicación de los trabajadores” avaladle in http://eur-lex. [Consulted 3.12.2010]

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COM – European Commission, 2010, 676 final, “Commission Staff Working Document: Accompanying document to the Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the application of Council Regulation 2157/2001 of 8 October 2001 on the Statute for a European Company (SE)” available in en.pdf [Consulted 3.12.2010]

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De la Cruz, C. y Sasia, P. (2010): “La banca ética como herramienta de acción política”. Icade, n. 80, mayoagosto, pp. 185-210.

Euricse et. al, 2010a, “Study on the implementation of the Regulation 1435/2003 on the Statute for European Cooperative Society (SCE): Executive Summary and Part I: Synthesis and comparative report” available in [Consulted 3.12.2010]

Euricse et. al, 2010b, “Study on the implementation of the Regulation 1435/2003 on the Statute for European Cooperative Society (SCE): Part II. National Reports” available in [Consulted 3.12.2010], 2010, “Company law: Commission presents Report on how the European Company Statute works for business”, Brussels, November 19, IP/10/1531 available in [Consulted 3.12.2010]

Fiare, 2007, “Fiare. Un banco en manos de la ciudadanía. Memoria de actividad 2007” available in http:// [Consulted 17th december 2009]

Fiare, 2000a, “El Proyecto Fiare de Banca Ética (information for territorial assemblies)”. Power point presentation to which we had access through Peru Sasia.

Fiare, 2009b, “El proyecto Fiare de Banca Ética. Intermediación financiera en manos de la ciudadanía”. Presentation to the Spanish Government. December. Power point presentation to which we had access through Peru Sasia.

ICA (International Cooperative Alliance) Statement on the Cooperative Identity in

In depth interview with Peru Sasía, Fiare General Director, 23rd december 2009.



How to Cite

Enciso Santocildes, M., Echaniz Barrondo, M. A., & Mugarra Elorriaga, A. R. (2013). Across boundaries: european cooperative societies. Study cases. Tendencias, 13(2), 228–240. Retrieved from