Prospectiva de la cadena láctea del departamento de Nariño al horizonte del año 2020
Prospective Sectorial, Planning, Colombian Economy, Industrial OrganizationAbstract
The study is based on the context of sectoral prospective pertinent in the analysis of the development of agribusiness development of the dairy chain in the Department of Nariño.
In the first part of the study, went to the tree symbol methodological competence, considering the critical technological and non technological Prospective Agenda for Research and Technological Development of Chain Colombian Way 2007; factors that are being used throughout the study . This analogy was structured methodology supported on documentary research, field work in areas of higher milk production through simple random sampling proportional and Delphi study.
Sequentially, we present the structural analysis, expression of a deductive exercise of collective reflection, which describes the impact of variables of different dimensions of the environment, justified on criteria concerning expert and the author. This method allowed us to identify the variables that constitute key factors change. Subsequently, through the “Developing actor’s stakes” identified the dominant players and divergent, represented by the threatening European and American transnationals, the stakeholders in the region are in a subordinate level, low bargaining power.
Boasting of scenario planning and analysis argued on morphological stage was designed bet called “Agribusiness Way, Building Proactive”, which factors have an agenda of change achievable by 2020, except the conquest of domestic and external markets might be configured after two decades.
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