Situación laboral de la mujer profesional en Pasto, 2010: Un análisis de modelación micro-econométrica
Labor market indicators, returns on higher education, wage discrimination, income levels and the probability of formal employmentAbstract
This paper analyzes the labor market of professional women and their relationship to higher education in San Juan de Pasto in 2010. For this objective, this article studies the general characteristics of professional women. Additionally we calculate the unemployment rate, underemployment rate, the overall participation rate and occupancy rate with FMI’s methodology. This article also identified the rate of return on investment in education for the knowledge area and identifies the main factors influencing income levels and the probability of employment for professional women after inspecting 412 educational and occupational factors. Research suggests that the three major problems facing professional women in the labor market in Pasto are the underemployment, particularly due to insufficient hours, unemployment, and wage discrimination, these factors can be reduced with specializations and master that generate greater stability and remuneration in the labor market.
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