El papel del microcrédito en la actividad formal empresarial en el casco urbano del municipio de Pasto 2010
Mipyme, microcompany, microcredit, financial institutions, rates of interest, GDP, assets, number of employments, inflationAbstract
This article mentions on the participation of the microcompany sector on the total of the managerial formal sector and, his contribution to the generation of employment in San Juan of Pasture, importance that devotes itself in the law Mipyme 590.
One refers on the principal offerers of the microcredit, used by the formal microbusinessmen to finance his managerial activity in the city, arguing his affinity on the basis of the rates of interest offered by each of the lenders and, there is done an analysis of the composition of the brute portfolio in relation to the credit of consumption, mortgage, commercial and microcredit.
Of equal way you seized to determining the incident of the microcredit on the micromanagerial sector, I dress from the point of view of the growth in the value of assets and number of employees, in addition there is corroborated the idea of the strong relation or association between this type of portfolio and the municipal GDP, the study also assumed the production of a point of inflexion to determine the transcendency of the inflationary phenomenon in the growth of the microcredit portfolio.
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