El desarrollo del pensamiento pedagógico en los egresados de las facultades de educación en la ciudad de san juan de pasto (Colombia)
saber, ciencia, calidad, pedagogía, reflexiónAbstract
The article takes us to the key issues involved in the formation of educational thought of the graduates of university training programs, which analyzes the perception of the area by university lecturers, teachers and graduates of teacher trainers programs, the latest at the time were employed as OPS teachers. To identify this type of orientation was necessary to perform the analysis of documents issued at the time by the universities and the Ministry of Education. To obtain such information surveys were applied to university teachers from three universities in the region and analyzed life stories written by OPS teachers from the city of San Juan de Pasto, Colombia. The article gives an account of the teaching profession they chose, how they were the first approaches to teaching, and to what extent such training affects the performance of the profession within the classroom.
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