Economía y comunión de bienes. Historia de algunas ideas a la luz de las órdenes franciscanas.
Brotherhood economy, mutual funds, solidarityAbstract
The main aim of this article is related to the presentation of what are considered key features of economic processes from the perspective of the Franciscan tradition. The specific contents include references when –at his early years– Saint Francis of Assisi lived under the influence of his father, a wealthy entrepreneur. From that sort of origin Saint Francis choose a way of life based on fraternity and harmonic community links. Today from the Franciscan perspective we have economic institutions such as “Montes de Piedad”, “Montes Frumentarios” and “Montes Monetarios”. These institutions can make easy access to credits and financial support for people living with economic vulnerability. By carrying out this type of actions, Franciscan institutions have contrasting operations from those of the Middle Age Jews and those who were lending money to very high interest rates. Nowadays, the order of the Minor Brothers, derived from the Franciscan tradition, has the economic system call “Economía Fraterna”, whose main endeavor is maintaining a permanent practice of Gospels through daily economic activities fundamentally helping those in need. This article finishes with thoughts concerning economics, management and related disciplines.
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