Desplazamiento forzado y enfoque diferencial una posibilidad de intervención / Acción en ámbitos de exclusión
Forced displacement, differential approach, comprehensive care rightsAbstract
Within the vulnerable population are refugees, displaced people living in extreme poverty and in general all so-called excluded, this population should receive guidance, assistance, protection and assistance for durable solutions. This classification is accepted by national and international organizations providing humanitarian aid and the Colombian Red Cross, CRC, the UN Agency for Refugees, UNHCR, the International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC, the International Organization for Migration, IOM and the Norwegian Refugee Council, NRC, among others.
Public policy attention to the displaced population in Colombia, have failed to address the serious deterioration in vulnerable circumstances, a situation reflected in the weak differential application of comprehensive care approach, especially in children and adolescents. This article is a reflection, the result of a literature review, which can be inferred that the precariousness of differentiated services lies largely in the lack of recognition of victims as subjects of rights, due to the inconsistency between the regulations and application. The differential approach to comprehensive care to the displaced population is an alternative that improves the psychosocial development and restoration of all rights and freedoms.
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