REFLEXIONES EN TORNO A LA COSMOVISIÓN CHAMÁNICA Una mirada al mundo de Castaneda y de su maestro


  • Fernando Panesso Universidad de Nariño


La cosmovisión chamánica, el guerrero del conocimiento, estados de conciencia


This essay is part of an academic research based on endogenous development, directed by Professor Julián Sabogal Tamayo. Certainly, a proposal to help raise a new alternative lifestyle. This lifestyle studies the different conceptions of epistemology and development of ancient thought in America. The proposed work reflects on the lessons a Nahual provides to the researcher Carlos Castaneda. What a man who aspires to knowledge should know? What obstacles must face? And thus the ancient Tolteca leads his through the labyrinths of his wisdom in order to make him a Nahual. Of course, after a hard work of its detoxification of spirit and their strong belief that he had acquired at the University of California, as an anthropologist. Moreover, we reflect on the knowledge they had as natives American communities, about life, plants, and especially its particular sort of communication with other living beings and the cosmos.


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How to Cite

Panesso, F. (2013). REFLEXIONES EN TORNO A LA COSMOVISIÓN CHAMÁNICA Una mirada al mundo de Castaneda y de su maestro. Tendencias, 11(2), 35–52. Retrieved from