The importance of family networks on the reunification processes for Latin-americans in the United States
international migration, demographic trends and forecasts, general statistical models, survival analysisAbstract
The migratory processes incorporate different strategies that modify the probabilities of a new emigration. The existence of a support network, in many cases of family members, works as a mechanism to promote migration. The objective of this study is to detail which reunification events are common in the displacement of families and how much time elapses between the most common reunifications; that is, between spouses or between parents and children. To achieve this, the reunification with the information from the IPUMS-I and IPUMS-USA databases is studied. The first, allows analyzing the composition of households and observes the role of sex by type of reunification, and the second, details which variables influence the reunification time of the mentioned categories. The results show the predominance of specific types of household and the change in trend over time, as well as the significant variables in the increase or decrease in the risk of reunification.
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