Proposal of a support model for entrepreneurship that generates synergy with social innovation


  • Héctor Fabio Grisales Ocampo Corporación Universitaria para el Desarrollo Empresarial y Social



entrepreneurship, social innovation, principles, values, management


The present investigation shows the advances obtained against the first steps of a proposal that will be called a model to support entrepreneurs, advanced in the University Corporation for Business and Social Development (CUDES), with a sample of 100 students, belonging to the programs of the University Institution and which aims to identify aspects that improve its subsequent implementation. The research is descriptive, surveys, interviews and classroom work were used to collect the information and its results provide us with valuable contributions to the proposal of the model that we call Sinermarketing, for CUDES and students as future entrepreneurs. Sinermarketing is recreated in the educational environment for students to develop competencies and apply their knowledge in topics related to entrepreneurship, social innovation, principles, values, respect for their environment, and business creation. The model is not exclusive and can be applied in any educational institution. As students advance in their studies, they must continue to provide support to achieve the goal of delivering innovative entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs to society. In accordance with the foregoing, to facilitate the management of entrepreneurship and the development of social innovation in the institution that carried out the study, a model is proposed that articulates the internal areas of entrepreneurship and research for the benefit of the entire community of students and its environment, thus managing to strengthen the nascent entrepreneur not to give up his attempt.


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Author Biography

Héctor Fabio Grisales Ocampo, Corporación Universitaria para el Desarrollo Empresarial y Social

Magíster en Logística Integral y Comercio Internacional, Universidad Camilo José Cela, Madrid, España. Docente-Investigador en el Programa de Mercadeo y Negocios Internacionales, CUDES. E-mail:, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Grisales Ocampo, H. F. (2020). Proposal of a support model for entrepreneurship that generates synergy with social innovation. Tendencias, 21(1), 157–174.