Analysis of the competitiveness of Huila coffee exports
revealed comparative advantage, import intensity, commercial complementarity, productive bets, trade agreement, competitivenessAbstract
Coffee has managed to establish itself as one of the most important products in the department of Huila, being recognized as one of the main coffee producers in Colombia, so much so that it is a priority product in the Agroindustrial Bet of the Productive Schedule of the Department. Therefore, analyzing the current state of export competitiveness of said product is relevant not only for the agro-industrial sector of Huila but also for the entire country. For this reason, the purpose of this work is to determine the level of competitiveness of Huila coffee, through the revealed comparative advantage index and to study its determinants by modifying a multiple regression model. The analysis of the indicators showed that Huila has a great advantage in coffee exports; and that the countries with which it has the greatest commercial complementarity are the United States and the countries of the European Union. The main determinants of competitiveness are the dollar Exchange rate, while the gross domestic product, the price of coffee and the unemployment rate, are negatively related to the export competitiveness of Huila coffee.
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