
  • Martha Alejandra Santacruz Universidad de Nariño


Productivity, services, employment, shift share


In this article, trough the shift share model, is quantify the relative contribution of each one of the braches to the growth of the productivity. In service sector in Pasto, during 2005 to 2009, based on economic accounts data in Pasto, employment matrix and GEIH of DANE Institute. This calculation confirms that the activities that have weak increases or even negative rates of productivity growth, highlighted by the ability to generate employment, that gives rise to the occupation in the service sector is increasingly concrete in industries where work efficiency is less dynamic. This behavior has led to the growth of service sector productivity stops and even decreases and consequently of the whole economy.


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How to Cite

Santacruz, M. A. (2013). LA PRODUCTIVIDAD DEL SECTOR SERVICIOS EN PASTO. Tendencias, 11(1), 24–40. Retrieved from