
  • Edgar Marcillo Yépez Universidad del Valle
  • Juan Carlos Zambrano Universidad del Valle


Labour-force participation, Leisure Consumption Model, Logit Model, metropolitan area of Pasto


This paper explores what are the main determinants that influence the time to offer the labor force in the labor market in the metropolitan area of Pasto. The work is supported by the theoretical model and Leisure Consumption and empirical method of estimating the Logit type model. The source of information is taken from the Continuous Household Survey (ECH) of DANE, second quarter of 2006. The determinants of labor participation in the proposed model are: gender, household head, education, experience, social status and income of the spouse. The principal result is that low socioeconomic participate significantly more than the middle classes, the difference between the upper and lower layers is not significant


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How to Cite

Marcillo Yépez, E., & Zambrano, J. C. (2013). DETERMINANTES DE LA PARTICIPACIÓN EN EL MERCADO DE TRABAJO. UN ESTUDIO PARA EL ÁREA METROPOLITANA DE PASTO. Tendencias, 11(1), 75–96. Retrieved from