
  • Julio Cesar Riascos Universidad de Nariño


Misery Index, unemployment, inflation, propagation of poverty or misery, hysteresis


The article examines the so-called misery index for a total of 45 countries in the world during the period between 2001 and 2008. It also considers the case of 12 cities from Colombia. Through the use of simple econometric methods, this study is an empirical approach to the hypothesis of propagation of poverty or misery, and analyzes their ability to hysteresis. This paper concludes by defining the indicator as a measure of socioeconomic that could contribute to the evaluation of the success or failure of policy, it also allows to monitor with other statistics, the problem of poverty and misery.


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How to Cite

Riascos, J. C. (2013). EL ÍNDICE DE MALESTAR ECONÓMICO O ÍNDICE DE MISERIA DE OKUN: BREVE ANÁLISIS DE CASOS, 2001-2008. Tendencias, 10(2), 9–40. Retrieved from https://revistas.udenar.edu.co/index.php/rtend/article/view/600