Analysis of venezuelan migration in the city of Pasto: characteristics and perceptions of migrants




sociodemographic characteristics, determinants of migration, venezuelan economy, international migration, Venezuela


The study aims to analyze Venezuelan migration in the city of Pasto. The theoretical support analyzed the main theories that conform the economic approach of international migrations. The methodological design included the construction of a survey for the sociodemographic characterization of the population and the definition of their perceptions regarding the determinants that led them to take the decision of migrating. Among the conclusions of the study, it is highlighted that the population of Venezuelans in the city of Pasto is a significantly young group, settled in the commercial centers of the city and most of them do not come from regions near the Colombian-Venezuelan border. The jobs that most of this population in the city of Pasto is linked to are informal, mainly as street vendors and that allows them to send remittances to Venezuela. As for the determinants of the decision to migrate, according to the perception of those consulted, the greatest influence was exerted by economic factors such as inflation and food shortages in Venezuela, but other variables such as insecurity, poverty and discontent with the current government of that country also stood out.


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Author Biographies

Bayron Paz Noguera, University of Nariño

Master in Public Policy, Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences. Professor of the Department of Economics, Director of the Research Group in Economics, Government and Public Policies, University of Nariño. ORCiD: 00002-2999-6185. E-mail:, Colombia.

Oscar Alpala Ramos, University of Nariño

International Trade Program Student, University of Nariño. Research Group Economic and Social Situation CES. ORCiD: 00003-1612-0990. E-mail:, Colombia.

Evelyn Villota Vivas, University of Nariño

International Trade Program Student, University of Nariño. Research Group Economic and Social Situation CES. ORCiD: 0000-0001-6683-2975. E-mail:, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Paz Noguera, B., Alpala Ramos, O., & Villota Vivas, E. (2021). Analysis of venezuelan migration in the city of Pasto: characteristics and perceptions of migrants. Tendencias, 22(1), 71–94.