Social media marketing in cuban agricultural companies




agroindustry, agricultural trade, online marketing, marketing management, advertising, social media


The use of internet social networks in companies allows them to increase their economic benefits because it facilitates the development of marketing and communication activities. These platforms contribute to enhancing the positioning of businesses on internet because they increase the scope of their content and consolidate their image and reputation in the market. However, there is a lack of research related to the application of these technologies in the marketing of companies in the agricultural sector in developing countries. The objective of this work is to diagnose social media marketing and the digital positioning of Cuban agricultural companies, in order to contribute to the creation of strategies that contribute to the competitiveness of these organizations. The mixed approach was applied in this research and synthetic analytical, observation and theoretical triangulation were used as scientific methods. The sample is composed of 61 companies from Agricultural Business Group of the Cuban Ministry of Agriculture. The results obtained showed the existence of shortcomings in the development of social media marketing in these organizations and their low level of positioning in Internet.


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Author Biographies

Rudibel Perdigón Llanes, Company "Frutas Selectas" of the Ministry of Agriculture of Cuba

Master in Social Studies of Science and Technology, University of Computer Sciences. Administrator of digital systems and telematic services, “Frutas Selectas” Company of the Ministry of Agriculture of Cuba. ORCiD: 0000-0001-7288-6224. E-mail:, Cuba.

Hubert Viltres Sala, University of Computer Sciences

Master in Computer Science, University of Computer Science. Assistant Professor, University of Computer Sciences. ORCiD: 0000-0002-5116-3665. E-mail:, Cuba.


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How to Cite

Perdigón Llanes, R., & Viltres Sala, H. (2021). Social media marketing in cuban agricultural companies. Tendencias, 22(1), 163–179.