The competitiveness in the feeder organizations of services of the sector metal mechanic of the Zulia Region


  • Nelson Labarca Monitora Revista Tendencias


Competitiveness, Feeder organizations of Services, Sector Metal mechanic, Zulia Region


The present article has as objective to determine the presence of competitive elements in the supplying companies of service of the sector metal mechanic of the zulian region. For the achievement of the same one a descriptive study was elaborated. As technique of gathering of data, an instrument type questionnaire was designed applied to a sample of 6 (six) main supplying companies of services of the sector study object assisting to the production volume and sales being this the approach for the elaboration of the same one; to measure the variable competitive factors through the applied survey they were considered the dimensions: standard of quality, flexibility in terms of the product, volume, machineries and productive processes and innovation capacity, investment levels, comparative advantages, among others. It concludes that a discharge exists witnesses as for the factors of competitiveness, that which implies capacity to give goods and services in an effective and efficient way on the part of the sector study object.


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Author Biography

Nelson Labarca, Monitora Revista Tendencias

Investigador adscrito al Instituto de Investigaciones de la FCES de La Universidad del Zulia.


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How to Cite

Labarca, N. (2013). The competitiveness in the feeder organizations of services of the sector metal mechanic of the Zulia Region. Tendencias, 9(1), 128–146. Retrieved from