

dual model, informal economic activities, unemployment, social and economic equilibrium


This article analyzes the informal economic circuits, using as main theoretical framework, the model of dual labor market. From this perspective this study shows how the formal labor market features have implicationson the informal labor market arena. A particularissue studied here is the impact that raising formal salaries, chiefly originated from government decisions, have on the informal labor activities. A strong link within these aspects is evident. This study claims that the informal market is a crucial element to support the neoclassical theoretical aspect related to full employment. An important conclusion is to reinforce the need to redefine concepts such as formal economic sphere and unemployment. These assertions are part of a critical perspective on the widespread social model.


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How to Cite

Riascos, J. C. (2013). ANÁLISIS INTRODUCTORIO AL MERCADO DUAL DE TRABAJO. Tendencias, 8(2), 67–78. Retrieved from