
  • Guillermo Alfredo Narváez Ramírez Universidad de Nariño


Economic history, Nariño Department, poor development, backwardness, semi-feudalism, pre-capitalism


In the following pages, the key elements of the economic history of the
Nariño Department are taken based on the time period between 1819
and 1940. Emphasizing the poor development argument this region
has at the moment through interpretative hypothesis taken from the
scarce statistics data, the basic aspects of a particular process inside the
Colombian economy that was marked by an economy based on the war
were built. All of them, making part of the south until the beginning of
the 20th century. It is possible to describe a backwardness structure that
turns around the semi-feudalism and pre-capitalism by highlighting some
relevant economic variables. On the thirties, it was also possible to see
some glints of modernity that were focused on the formation of a dual
production way that is our characteristic at the present time.


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How to Cite

Narváez Ramírez, G. A. (2013). ELEMENTOS PARA LA HISTORIA ECONÓMICA DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE NARIÑO (II). Tendencias, 8(2), 95–128. Retrieved from https://revistas.udenar.edu.co/index.php/rtend/article/view/642