
  • Guillermo Alfredo Narváez Ramírez Universidad de Nariño


Economic history, Department of Nariño, development, underdevelopment


This article explains the main issues used like elements in the reconstruction of the economical history of Nariño before the Spanish conquest and colony and the beginning of the Republic. The main argument is to claim that in such years emerge the roots in the process called “bad development”, cause of the present time of arrears and poverty of the Department. The method utilized tries interpretative hypothesis with the critical focusing, in a descriptive study that seeks to explain. Based in diverse documents and opinions that explain is made in predict function looking to detect the eminent factors, the condition, perhaps, that permit do it in the cause- effect relation and the dialectic, of the analyzed periods.


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How to Cite

Narváez Ramírez, G. A. (2013). ELEMENTOS PARA LA HISTORIA ECONÓMICA DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE NARIÑO (I). Tendencias, 7(2), 7–28. Retrieved from https://revistas.udenar.edu.co/index.php/rtend/article/view/651