The world’s environmental crisis at the beginning of the XXI century: elements for its analysis



biosphere, sustainable development, ecological economy, second law of thermodynamics


It is evident that at the beginnings of the XXI century human beings are facing a complicate period regarding their relations with nature. For that reason, it is convenient encouraging the analysis of this situation from different realms of the world society taking into account a historical standpoint, in order to recognize its causes and to identify the alternatives which allow getting inside a process of problem solving.

This paper pursues to motivate the analysis of the current environmental crisis that the world has to deal with, taking into account cultural, scientific an socioeconomic points of view which lead to a summing up of what already happened and that at the same time make possible finding criteria which allow us to get out of the current state of affairs.


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How to Cite

Burbano Orjuela, H. (2013). The world’s environmental crisis at the beginning of the XXI century: elements for its analysis. Tendencias, 6(1-2), 21–36. Retrieved from