Mexican labour reform in motion: the case of General Motors-Silao
corporatism; automobile industry; production model; trade unionism; USMCA.Abstract
The objective of the present piece of research is to reconstruct the way in which the labour reform of 2019 materialized, taking as referent the legitimation process of the workers collective agreement of the General Motors facilities located in the county of Silao Guanajuato, in Mexico. For this task it was necessary to present the antecedents that gave origin to the new labour regulation and the influence that the renegotiation of the USMCA had on it. Such change in the law meant modifying the corporate configuration of work relations that have maintained the Mexican precarious Toyota model of production. This study allowed to identify that the normative demands regarding trade union democracy and respect of freedom of assembly and association were not mechanically incorporated in the practice. Its operativity was subjected to structural pressures, subjective and experiential mediation, and the shaping of collective actions that disputed the control of the workers’ representation. The research followed a digital ethnographic strategy which was complemented with the analysis of official and secondary sources.
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