Financial risk and uncertainty in stock markets at the time of covid-19: a bibliometric analysis




analysis of data, bibliometrics, documentation, stock market, pandemic


The objective of this article is to explore the financial risk during the pandemic period in the stock markets. For this, 252 documents from the Scopus database are collected, refined and analyzed, between 2019 and 2022, under a theoretical-exploratory methodology with which a network analysis is elaborated, from graph theory with Rstudio (Bibliometrix ), VOSviewer, and Tree of Science. The results indicate an annual knowledge growth rate of 33.4%, where China and the United States have generated more research. Three work areas were identified in the elaborated clusters: a descriptive one with a low statistical and mathematical level, the second with a medium level of analysis related to studies of systematic risk, financial stability and risk management and the last one, with a high development research analyst who have tried to explain the effect of COVID-19 on financial markets. Finally, it is concluded that countries need to establish continuous information processes regarding these types of impact, since previous studies have shown that emerging regions are very susceptible to the permutations suffered by regions of high economic development.


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Author Biography

Housseman Steven Ramos Zambrano, Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria

Magíster en Finanzas, Universidad de Nariño. Profesional de apoyo a la investigación, Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria - Agrosavia. ORCiD: 0000-0001-7959-9834. E-mail:, Pasto - Colombia. 


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How to Cite

Ramos Zambrano, H. S. . (2023). Financial risk and uncertainty in stock markets at the time of covid-19: a bibliometric analysis. Tendencias, 24(2), 262–287.