Analysis of corporate social responsibility in the affective response of Bancolombia's users




affectivity, bank, consumer, marketing, social program


The objective of the article was to determine whether corporate social responsibility initiatives are related to consumers' love for a financial institution, represented by the Bancolombia brand. A quantitatively oriented methodology was implemented, which surveyed a convenience sample of 190 Bancolombia users. To test the hypotheses, Spearman correlation tests were performed between the variables, corporate social responsibility and brand love. In addition, a non-parametric Mann-Whitney test was performed to establish whether men and women value corporate social responsibility differently. The results confirm that the implementation of actions that support social causes benefits consumers' perception of Bancolombia and strengthens emotional ties with customers. It is also concluded that the social actions developed by the company are perceived in the same way among men and women.


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Author Biographies

María Cristina Otero Gómez, Universidad de los Llanos

Doctora en Marketing, Universidad de Valencia, España. Profesora Asociada Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de los Llanos. ORCID: 0000-0002-3241-7877. E-mail:, Villavicencio - Colombia.

Wilson Giraldo Pérez, Universidad de los Llanos

Doctor en Marketing, Universidad de Valencia, España. Profesor Asociado Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de los Llanos. ORCID: 0000-0001-8514-9805. E-mail:, Villavicencio - Colombia.

Luis Alejandro Gutiérrez Barriga, Universidad de los Llanos

Magister en Administración de Negocios. Consultor independiente y miembro del grupo de investigación Dinámicas de Consumo de la Universidad de los Llanos. ORCID: 0009-0001-5092-6368. E-mail:, Villavicencio - Colombia


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How to Cite

Otero Gómez, M. C., Giraldo Pérez, W. ., & Gutiérrez Barriga, L. A. (2024). Analysis of corporate social responsibility in the affective response of Bancolombia’s users. Tendencias, 25(1), 33–51.