Sustainable tourism: an approach from sustainable practices in Valle del Cocora
sustainable development, environmental economics, management, social responsibility, tourismAbstract
Business sustainability in the tourism sector has been a topic of interest in recent years, due to the consequences generated by climate change and the pressures from different stakeholders for tourism companies to assertively manage the impacts of their activities. Consequently, the purpose of the research was to identify the conception that tourism entrepreneurs in the Cocora Valley have about sustainable tourism and, at the same time, to establish the sustainability practices they have implemented. For this purpose, a qualitative research was carried out using the phenomenological method, obtaining as main results, an economic interpretation of sustainability by the entrepreneurs, oriented to legitimization. In addition, the characterization of the most used practices in the social, environmental and economic dimensions was achieved, as well as the design of strategies and indicators that seek to motivate the linkage of tourism entrepreneurs to achieve sustainable development in the region.
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