Business cycles in Colombia: stylized facts




economic conditions, economic equilibrium, economic policy, economic recovery, economic recession


The purpose of this article is to examine the economic cycles in Colombia and to empirically corroborate the fulfillment of nine stylized facts documented in the specialized international literature. For this purpose, the retropolated series 1975-2013 and the series 2005:1-2022:4 of the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) were analyzed using the Hodrick-Prescott filter. Thus, the occurrence of four economic cycles is recorded between 1975 and 2013 with an average duration of 9.3 years with an expansionary phase of 5.0 years and a contractionary phase of 5.3 years. Similarly, between 2005:1 and 2022:4 there were three cycles with an average duration of 21.7 quarters, with an expansionary phase of 14.7 quarters and a contractionary phase of 7.0 quarters. It should also be said that the cyclical fluctuations of employment and unemployment are closely related to effective demand and domestic demand in accordance with Keynesian theory; for example, the positive correlation between the real GDP cycle and the implicit GDP deflator cycle suggests that the cycles were not due to shifts in the aggregate production function as the dominant theory stresses, but to shifts in the aggregate demand function.


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Author Biography

Mario Eduardo Hidalgo Villota, Universidad de Nariño

Master in Public Policy, Universidad del Valle. Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Universidad de Nariño. Research Group in Economics, Government and Public Policy, Universidad de Nariño. ORCID: 0000-0002-5579-6136. E-mail:, Pasto - Colombia.


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How to Cite

Hidalgo Villota, M. E. (2024). Business cycles in Colombia: stylized facts. Tendencias, 25(2), 26–56.