Relacionamento de marca: análise de perspectivas e transcendência em a gestão
relacionamento da marca, personalidade da marca, gerenciamento de marca, dimensões da marca, identidade da marca, valor da marcaResumo
Este artigo de revisão descreve e analisa o estado da pesquisa sobre Relacionamento da Marca, com base em uma revisão de artigos em inglês publicados em periódicos listados em ABI Inform (Proquest), Wos of Science (WoS) e Scopus (Elsevier) no período de 2000 a 2020. Foi construída uma base de dados com aproximadamente 144 artigos com ele ano em que foram publicados o documento, autor, nome da revista, país e método empregado no estudo. Observa-se, após a revisão, que nos últimos anos o tema se consolidou e há uma proliferação de artigos relacionados diretamente ao campo tratado ou a suas dimensões, no entanto, há controvérsias diretamente sobre postulados anteriores de autores renomados sobre o assunto. As diferentes dimensões do tópico são discutidas juntamente com seu conceito principal, o que está sendo investigado e a contribuição que isso tem para os gerentes de marca, concluindo com algumas lacunas de pesquisas futuras.
(1) Aaker, D. A. y Joachimsthaler, E. (2000). The brand relationship spectrum: The key to the brand architecture challenge. California management review, 42(4), 8-23. doi: 10.1177/000812560004200401
(2) Aaker, J., Fournier, S. y Brasel, S. A. (2004). When good brands do bad. Journal of Consumer research, 31(1), 1-16. doi: 10.1086/383419
(3) Avis, M. y Aitken, R. (2015). Intertwined: Brand personification, brand personality and brand relationships in historical perspective. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing 7(2), 208-231. doi: 10.1108/JHRM-01-2014-0004.
(4) Bartels, R. (1951). Can marketing be a science? Journal of Marketing, 15(3), 319-328. doi: 10.1177/002224295101500306
(5) Bengtsson, A. (2003). Towards a critique of brand relationships. Advances in Consumer Research, 30, 154-154.
(6) Blackston, M. (1992). A brand with an attitude: a suitable case for treatment. Journal of the market research society, 34(3), 231-242.
(7) Blackston, M. (1993). Beyond brand personality: building brand relationships. En D. A. Aaker & A. L. Biel (Eds.), Brand equity and advertising: Advertising’s role in building strong brands (pp.113-124). Hilsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.
(8) Breivik, E. y Thorbjørnsen, H. (2008). Consumer brand relationships: an investigation of two alternative models. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36(4), 443-472. doi: 10.1007/s11747-008-0115-z
(9) Cayolla, R. y Loureiro, S. M. C. (2014). Fans club brand relationship: football passion. International Journal of Business and Globalisation 10, 12(1), 82-97.
(10) Chang, P. L. y Chieng, M. H. (2006). Building consumer–brand relationship: A cross‐cultural experiential view. Psychology y Marketing, 23(11), 927-959. doi:10.1002/mar.20140
(11) Erkmen, E. y Hancer, M. (2019). Building brand relationship for restaurants: An examination of other customers, brand image, trust, and restaurant attributes, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(3), 1469-1487.
(12) Fournier, S. (1998). Consumers and their brands: Developing relationship theory in consumer research. Journal of consumer research, 24(4), 343-373. doi: 10.1086/209515
(13) Hayes, J. B., Alford, B. L., Silver, L. y York, R. P. (2006). Looks matter in developing consumer‐brand relationships. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 15(5), 306-315. doi: 10.1108/10610420610685875
(14) Heath, R., Brandt, D. y Nairn, A. (2006). Brand relationships: Strengthened by emotion, weakened by attention. Journal of advertising research, 46(4), 410-419. doi: 10.2501/S002184990606048X
(15) Hongcharu, B. y Eiamkanchanalai, S. (2015). Strengthening brand presence and creating brand relationships in the society through integrated marketing communications. International Journal of Economic Research, 12(4), 1307-1318.
(16) Hudson, S., Huang, L., Roth, M. S. y Madden, T. J. (2016). The influence of social media interactions on consumer–brand relationships: A three-country study of brand perceptions and marketing behaviors. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33(1), 27-41. doi: 10.1016/j.ijresmar.2015.06.004
(17) Karpińska-Krakowiak, M. (2016). The effects of social networking sites on consumer–brand relationships. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 56(3), 204-210. doi: 10.1080/08874417.2016.1153894
(18) Kaufmann, H. R., Filho, C. G., Silva, C. R. E. y Monteiro, P. R. R. (2019). Consumer-brand relationship development in the automotive market: an integrative model. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 19(3-4), 321-340.
(19) Keller, K. L. (2012). Understanding the richness of brand relationships: Research dialogue on brands as intentional agents. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22(2), 186-190. doi: 10.1016/j.jcps.2011.11.011
(20) Knopf, J. W. (2006). Doing a literature review. PS: Political Science and Politics, 39(1), 127-132.
(21) Krake, F. (2005). Successful brand management in SMEs: a new theory and practical hints. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 14(4), 228-238. doi: 10.1108/10610420510609230
(22) Kumar, V. y Kaushik, A. K. (2020). Building consumer–brand relationships through brand experience and brand identification. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 28(1), 39-59. doi: 10.1080/0965254X.2018.1482945
(23) Lee, H. J. y Kang, M. S. (2013). The effect of brand personality on brand relationship, attitude and purchase intention with a focus on brand community. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 17(2), 85-98.
(24) Lindstrom, M. (2012). Buyology: How everything we believe about why we buy is wrong. Random House Business.
(25) Mayring, P. (2003). Qualitative Inhaltanalyse – Grundlagen und Techniken. [Qualitative content analysis]. 8th ed. Weinheim, Germany: Beltz Verlag.
(26) Nyadzayo, M. W., Matanda, M. J. y Ewing, M. T. (2016). Franchisee-based brand equity: The role of brand relationship quality and brand citizenship behavior. Industrial Marketing Management, 52, 163-174. doi: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2015.07.008
(27) Papista, E. y Dimitriadis, S. (2012). Exploring consumer‐brand relationship quality and identification: Qualitative evidence from cosmetics brands. Qualitative Market Research, 15(1), 33-56. doi: 10.1108/13522751211191982
(28) Park, C. W., Eisingerich, A. B. y Park, J. W. (2013). Attachment–aversion (AA) model of customer–brand relationships. Journal of consumer psychology, 23(2), 229-248. doi: 10.1016/j.jcps.2013.01.002
(29) Petromilli, M., Morrison, D. y Million, M. (2002). Brand architecture: building brand portfolio value. Strategy & Leadership, 30(5), 22-28. doi: 10.1108/10878570210442524
(30) Reimann, M., Castaño, R., Zaichkowsky, J. y Bechara, A. (2012). How we relate to brands: Psychological and neurophysiological insights into consumer–brand relationships. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 22(1), 128-142. doi: 10.1016/j.jcps.2011.11.003
(31) Swaminathan, V., Page, K. L. y Gürhan-Canli, Z. (2007). “My” brand or “our” brand: The effects of brand relationship dimensions and self-construal on brand evaluations. Journal of consumer research, 34(2), 248-259. doi: 10.1086/518539
(32) Zayer, L. y Neier, S. (2011). An exploration of men's brand relationships. Qualitative Market Research, 14(1), 83-104.
(33) Zhou, Z. (2007). How to measure brand relationship quality? Frontiers of Business Research in China, 1(2), 300-318. doi: 10.1007/s11782-007-0017-9
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