S and Mg application on broccoli Brassica oleracea Var. Italica in two orders Ofandisol soil
Fertilization, interaction, production, vegetablesAbstract
Broccoli crop Brassica oleracea var. italica presents fertilization management deficiencies in soils of the department of Nariño, where low availability of sulfur and magnesium is reported. This research evaluated sulfur and magnesium sources at different levels (0, 30, 60, 90 kg/ha) in two locations, Gualmatán and La Laguna (Nariño). A split plot design was used, in which the main plot corresponded to kieserite and sulphomag sources and the sub plots corresponded to levels at 0, 30, 60 and 90 kg/ha, and treatments were distributed in three blocks. The variables evaluated were: floret diameter, fresh and dry weight, performance, and economic viability. Results at day 90 after planting indicated that fertilization with sulphomag at level 90 kg/ha yielded higher fresh and dry weights in the two localities, 311.15 g, 419.20 g for fresh weight and 45.30 g, 53.98 g for dry weight, in Gualmatán and La Laguna, respectively. At 90 kg/ha, maximum yields of 24,15kg/ha and 17.29 t.ha-1 were obtained in Gualmatán and La Laguna, being statistically higher in comparison to the other levels of the two sources. The return-based analysis indicated that sulphomag at 90 kg/ha showed 70.1% and 40.1% returns in the towns of La Laguna and Gualmatán, respectively, being economically viable in each of the localities.
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