Characterization of terrestrial isopods (Crustacea: Isopoda) and their impact in horticulture in Boyacá


  • John Wilson Martínez O.
  • Diego Fernando Pérez C.
  • Carmen Cecilia Espíndola



Soil pests, Porcellio spp, Armadillidium spp, vegetables


Terrestrial isopods (Crustacea: Isopoda) have been arising as important agricultural pests in countries such as Brazil and Argentina, where they are harmful to soybean, sunflower, and pastures. Recently, they have been found in Boyacá, affecting onion and bean plants and fruits. According to this, it was necessary to initiate species’ characterization and establish their impact to horticulture in some municipalities in the region. A survey at Paipa, Tibasosa, Nobsa, and Santa Rosa de Viterbo was conducted to determine the presence and diversity of terrestrial isopod species; in addition, a questionnaire was carried out in order to establish farmers’ perceptions of crustacean damage and management strategies. Eight localities were evaluated at Paipa, seven at Nobsa, three at Tibasosa, and one at Santa Rosa de Viterbo. The presence of terrestrial isopods in fruits, horticulture, and other crops was observed at the localities surveyed. Species were identified as Porcellio scaber, Porcellio dilatatus, Porcellio pruinosus, Armadillidium vulgare, and Armadillidium nasatum. Damage caused by isopods was evident in lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, beet, spinach, onion, peach, bean, strawberry, corn, and potato, especially at seedling stages. The observed damage was caused by bites to leaves (50%), roots (32,35%), stems (20,85%), and branches (2,94%). Farmers’ poor knowledge about terrestrial isopods’ management was perceived, as they were using insecticides in 79.41% of the cases, organic management in 2,99%, and no management in 5,88%.


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How to Cite

Martínez O., J. W., Pérez C., D. F., & Espíndola, C. C. (2014). Characterization of terrestrial isopods (Crustacea: Isopoda) and their impact in horticulture in Boyacá. Revista De Ciencias Agrícolas, 31(1), 55–64.