Nutritional evaluation and gas emissions of forage resources of the high tropics




Fermentation, gas production, methane, ruminants, in vitro technique.


Gas production (methane, AGVs) in herbaceous plants, shrubby tree fodder, and trees of the milkproducing region in the municipality of Pasto, at altitudes between 2600-3200 meters above sea level, was determined. Twenty samples of grassland were collected, between monoculture and grass mixture and other plants that are often used as livestock feed, among: Holcus lanatus L., Dactylis glomerata L., Trifolium pratense L., Trifolium repens L., Pennisetum clandestinum, Lolium sp, Taraxacum officinale, Rumex crispus L., Phalaris sp, Plantago major L., Avena sativa L. y Smallanthus pyramidalis. These plants were incubated with fresh bovine feces, and the amount of gases produced by fermentation was quantified using a pressure transducer connected to a digital reader. Measurements were made at 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours of the process. Statistical validation was performed using a model of repeated measures; means were adjusted and compared according to the Tukey-Kramer test. The grassland mixture of H. lanatus, Lolium sp., Kikuyu, and T. repens showed the highest production of methane gas with 560 ml / kg DM, while A. sativa silage showed the lowest with 30 ml / kg DM. The highest dry matterdegradability (DMD) was observed in A. sativa with 62.84%, and the lowest in the mixture of Lolium sp. and T. repens with 29.79%. The highest degradability of organic matter (DOM) occurred in the mix of P. clandestinum, H. lanatus, and T. repens, with 91.34%, and in P. major with 82.50%.The highest values of propionic acid were observed in P. major, Lolium sp., and in the mixture of H. lanatus, Lolium sp., P, clandestinum, and T. repens, with 920, 860, and 860 ml / L, respectively.



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How to Cite

Apráez G., E., Gálvez C., A., & Jojoa R., C. (2014). Nutritional evaluation and gas emissions of forage resources of the high tropics. Revista De Ciencias Agrícolas, 31(2), 122–134.