Agronomic performance of yellow corn populations Zea mays L. material in the andean region of the department of Nariño
Genotypes, adaptability, stability, agronomic behavior.Abstract
This work was conducted at the localities of Buesaco, Tangua, San Bernardo, and Matituy of the department of Nariño, with the aim of evaluating the agronomic behavior of four populations of yellow maize: UDENAR ALBA, TL2007A-1807-23 x 24 and INIAP180-9MS1, and puntilla 2M-S1, belonging to the work collection of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the University of Nariño, as well asa commercial variety ICA V-305. The analysis showed that the variables days to harvest (DAC), corncobs per plant (MPP), weight of 100 seeds (P100), and yield (RTO) were statistically different for the genotype x environment interaction. Matituy behaved as a premature locality with 190.78 days to harvest (DAC), while Buesaco showed a prolificacy index of 1.36 MPP, differing statistically from the other localities, in addition to presenting statistical differences in regards to the P100 and RTO variables. The adaptability and stability analysis using the AMMI model showed that that most stable treatments were ICA V305, TL2007A-1807-23x24, and UDENAR ALBA, while INIAP1809MSI and Puntilla 12M-S1 were the most variable in their behavior, thus, exhibiting the greatest interaction with the different environments.
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